We had a wonderful Zoom session learning how to use the principles of improv comedy to help us to be better leaders. Leadership Coach and “Fear-Less Speaker Coach” Chris Neilson led us through his 7-step process and we had a wonderful time.

Chris Neilson
Chris is an American trainer and coach based in the U.S. He’s helped numerous corporations and non-profits including the Alzheimer Association of San Diego to improve how they do things using his techniques.
He certainly invigorated our meeting, and we agreed it was an enjoyable and informative afternoon. We had visitors from around New Zealand including a number from Wellington Toastmaster club Capital Chatterers zoom into our meeting of Christchurch Women’s Toastmasters. Thank you Chris!
We will continue meeting on Zoom as required, but are looking forward to returning to socially-distanced meetings at our regular venue The Village on Frank Street in Papanui on Friday 17 September at 12.30pm. Everyone is welcome.
If you’d like to contact Chris Neilson you can visit his website here.