A typical meeting

We meet on Friday during school terms. Please note we are *closed during school and public holidays. Our meetings are held at the following:

Time & day: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm every Friday*

Venue: The Village, 460 Papanui Road at the corner of Frank Street in Christchurch, NZ

Parking: At the rear of The Village there is a free car park.

What can I expect at a typical meeting?

The Toastmaster of the Day starts the meeting after being introduced by the Sergeant at Arms.

The Toastmaster hosts the meeting and she usually comes up with a theme of the meeting to encourage and uplift the audience.

Main Speech

Members – usually two – give their prepared speeches based on the project being they are currently working on.

After the speech, another member takes on the role of Evaluator, where they evaluate the member’s speech, giving helpful feedback on the speech. The Evaluator will highlight what she liked about the speech, what the speaker has done well and also offer one or two suggestions for how the speech could be enhanced.

Table Topics

Table Topics Master is a fun role and a very entertaining segment of the meeting that provides an opportunity to practise speaking off-the-cuff. Members are given a random topic to speak on for one to two minutes. There’s no prior preparation of the speech, and this is a highlight of the meeting! The Table Topics session is always full of laughter!

Other Highlights

The Grammarian introduces the Word of the Day and encourages those who speak to use the word in their speeches. She also checks on grammar usage, “um, er, ar”, repeat words, fillers that detract from the speaker’s message. She also comments on vivid/beautiful phrases used by speakers.

Before the meeting ends, the General Evaluator gives a general feedback of the whole meeting and also evaluates how roles were performed during the meeting.

The meeting times for each role are recorded by the Time Keeper and this role ensures our meeting runs to time, of course! Each meeting is only an hour long but we do make time for tea and coffee before the meeting begins. So come along early 🙂

Please contact us if you need more information about our club meeting. Thank you.

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